Updated 4-26-2003

This is station W3KY @ K2TQN's OldRadio Museum.

The theme is "Ham Radio before WWII"   Featuring an authentic 1933 Ham Radio station.

Observe Ham Radio from it's beginning - Crystal Sets, Spark Transmitters and keys.
Then see tube transmitters and receivers from the early 1920's through the late 1930's.
There is also a nice representation of homebrew equipment,
and some rare 1930's commercial receivers.

  A 1933 authentic ham radio station.
Click on the door to go inside.                                                        This is the first station you see, W3KY.

Feature: An authentic 1933 ham radio station - From the left: A 1932 Hammarlund Comet Pro receiver, speaker, coil box and the QSL card of the first owner Dare Aucott, W3CRY, of Atlantic City, NJ.   Right: a well-made homebrew 300 watt transmitter built by Joe Hoffman, W2DST of New York.  Table and wall: the 1933 station log, license, lamp and chair of Earl Abbott, W2FTT, Manahawkin, NJ, and a collection of 1930's QSL cards from southern New Jersey hams.

The Museum now has Historic Tags!

John H. Dilks, K2TQN
125 Warf Road
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234-8501

I'm always looking for interesting ham radio items to add to my museum.

For other photos of the museum, click here.