NJARC email Mailing List:
The NJARC Communicator mailing list is an email mailing list
(reflector) operated by the New Jersey Antique Radio Club.
An email message sent to the reflector will be broadcast to
all list subscribers. This list is open to all members of the
New Jersey Antique Radio Club. Review the items below for
suggested topics on this mailing list.
- Posting and replies to club newsletter.
- Club- or Radio-Related Questions &
- NJARC Swap-Meet planing and promotion.
- Announcing of other Swap-Meets.
- Equipment For Sale or Wanted (Antique
Radio-related equipment only.)
To use the mailing
It's just email.
If you currently use email, it's the same process as sending an email
to anyone else. (But in this case you're sending it to everyone in the
club at the same time.)
New Messages:
To post a new message to the Communicator,
send your email to njarc-communicator@googlegroups.com.
Hint: It helps to put this in your address book, contact list, etc.
This will vary depending on your mail client
(the program you use to view your mail) Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows
Live Mail, Opera, Mailbird, etc., or if you use web mail -
directly using your email provider, AOL, Yahoo, Optimum, Gmail, etc.
"Reply" sends the reply only to the poster, "Reply All" sends it to the
group and poster. A reminder of this appears at the bottom
of all postings.
Attachments (documents, pictures,video clips)
can be inserted two ways. As an "attachment", or for an image,
you can right click on the selected image, select copy, then right
click in the body of your posting and select paste.
Remember, just treat the
Communicator postings as you would any other email. Sending,
receiving, attachments, replies all behave in the same manner.
NJARC Communicator is administered for the club on a volunteer basis by
Bill Zukowski. Contact Bill with any suggestions, gripes, opinions
about the Communicator (Please go lightly on the gripes!)