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out our YouTube channel. Read back
issues of "The Jersey Broadcaster" in our Newsletter Archives
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NJARC Social meetings take place twice each week:
Tuesday afternoons at 2:00 PM and Thursday evenings at 9:00 PM
here for Radio Wild's video coverage of the Summer 2024 Swapmeet
New Jersey Antique Radio Club usually meets
on the
second Friday of each month. Meetings
begin at 7:30
The meeting will also be livestreamed on YouTube. Check
your email for logon information, or just go to and search
for "NJARC." When we're live, there will be a thumbnail image labeled
"Live" that you can click on.
Our September meeting will
take place in Room 2032A, at InfoAge.
The P.T. Barnum of Electronics: The Tube Tester
By John Stoll
our September meeting, NJARC member and noted curmudgeon John Stoll will discuss tube testers, what they can - and cannot - do.
Between 5pm and 7pm the "Retired Electronics Vault" also known as
building 9036D, will be available for club members to "Grab & Go"
test equipment radios, chassis etc. at no charge. There will be
direction signs posted. See you all there!
And as usual, the NJARC Radio Technology Museum will be open
for browsing, so be sure to come early to this meeting!
Our meetings start at
approximately 7:30 PM Eastern time. Club
business is discussed from 7:30 to approximately 8:00 or 8:15.
The Live Stream continues after a break with the
evening's "Tech Talk" presentation, which typically begins between 8:15
and 8:30
live video broadcast of our meetings on YouTube
Complaints? Trouble Reports?
Please contact Dave
Sica ( directly with any questions or
suggestions about this
New Jersey Antique Radio Club
is dedicated to the preservation of radio history. The club usually
meets on the second Friday of each month. Check the meeting
announcement each month for the location of that month's meeting and
any deviation from the usual night.
is a small Radio Swap Meet before and after the meetings which start
promptly at 7:30 PM. Every month there is a "Tech Talk" radio
collecting presentation. Anyone interested in old radios is
welcome to attend and join. Several times a year, the club sponsors a swapmeet
featuring an antique radio flea market and auction.